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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
12:58 PM

Woots. A few more hours and I'll be in hongkong, I hope it will be a nice trip!!=D

i adore eu*

Monday, December 04, 2006
6:33 PM

3rd Dec'06

It's the second day of the tiong barhu cc table tennis comp.Some of us made it into top 16 so we had to come on sunday.I guess I must have benn really unlucky to always be stuck with ah beng in the same group.Obviously I lost to her but everything was fun.Since I was so free I went around taking photos of EVERYTHING.Woots.
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Mr kuan side coaching grace.
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Zheng yi in action!!
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Grace cheering for zheng yi
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Zheng yi again
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The pretty pretty scoreboard I used while being umpire
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Kai hwee
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The pretty hall
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Zhi yuan and xiao boi boi
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Happy mr kuan
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Cheryl the umpire
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Cheryl and mel umpiring
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The buffet!!
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Me and jye huey =)
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Heart <3
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Ah beng!!
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Beng and that auntie competing for 1st place!!
*That auntie's name ish chua siok lian,so identical to mine!!
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Ah beng won!!
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Some advice..
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Mel and her funny face..xD
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The dustbin.
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Basketball court
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Our senior,kok leong
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Little boi boi
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Yolanda,4th place
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Mel,3rd place
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BENG!!!1st place!!
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Pretty medal
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Pretty medals.
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I know, this is such a long long post..:)

i adore eu*

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
12:50 PM


Went training as usual.The gate wasn't open as the captains were not there so we had to walk one big round to the other gate.Scouts are having there activities with the radin mas pri sch kids and they were like DAMN noisy.When the kids when to the canteen for their lunch the messed around with our tables,bats and balls. Argh! Had such a tough time getting them to keep out from our area.Jiao lian had a 'meeting' with us.Talked about our discipline and all sorts of things she think that we should improve on.From now onwards we were supposed to give an MC when we were absent from training. Also she thought that our attitude towards here was not good enough compared to mr kuan. Well, thats actually quite obvious cause mr kuan can be SO fierce. After the meeting, we went back and started playing the 10-10 comps.Sighs.we lost and were so afraid that PT will be doubled for us.Pt was sprinting around the arena, timing was 20secs and we had to sprint two rounds.Damn,leg and butt was freaking painful.Jogged 5 rounds as warm down and during the 5th round i seriously could'nt take it as I could'nt breathe properly, jiao lian was so worried that I faint so I stopped.*Special thanks to siwei and hasyna for the encouragement!*Went great world after training to have lunch, ate at kopitiam. Shared yong tau foo with jye huey and we could'nt finish the rice as the soup and the ingredients already made us damn bloated.However, can't resist the temptations of the yogurt ice cream so ate with beng hong. Water melon+oreo+peach.YUMYUM.Went CC after lunch with beng,jye huey,kai hwee and si min.Had headache so I just sat down and watch them play. Suddenly, gege called. Damn stunned, he said he was coming to see me. Did'nt believe it at first until he really appeared. Haven't had the chance to talk to him as he was busy talking to mr kuan. Left CC at around 7, jye huey and kai hwee left 1st and the remaining 4 of us went for dinner at tiong market. Talked and ate until 8 plus, reached home at 9!

i adore eu*

Thursday, November 09, 2006
9:55 PM

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i adore eu*

WOOTS. I'm finally blogging!!It had been more than one month since I last blogged.Wasn't in the mood for blogging and stuff cause I was busy watching dramas. I miss my friends!!Well..today full day O-level paper and jiao lian didn't want to let us have a holiday, so we went to kallang sun sports club to train. Other than the long journey to the destination, being at sun sports was actually quite fun. At first it was quite a happy day as me and yi hui won quite a lot of games today, however during the trip back , ryan lost his wallet and everybody starts to feel sad and all. Yi hui was worried for the chalet stuff and I guess the rain made everyone feel sian. I just hope everyone won't feel down anymore! Hope that ryan will find his wallet soon so that yi hui won't be so depressed anymore!Was quite disappointed that 2h gathering is changed to monday because I couldn't turn up due to the tuition. Nothing seems right today. Busy msg-ing when I got home cause I needed to organise the tt fund stuff, those who haven't tell me your birthday, inform me ASAP! Those who haven't pay TT fund , pay up soon!!Sighs.Hope tomorrow will be a better day!=)

i adore eu*

Sunday, September 24, 2006
7:51 PM

Heard that jie jie made it into the next round again.I knew he could do it.JIEJIE rawks!Cant wait to see him on tv =)

i adore eu*

Ultra bored today.Stayed at home the whole day slacking.Sighs.2 more days to eng and chi paper 1. Am I going to get out of point again?Damn.just let exams get over faster and please let me pass!!I'm so missing puay leng and all.SIGHS.chocolates pls.=(

i adore eu*

Saturday, September 23, 2006
12:18 PM

Got complained again.My blog is like so dead now cause I'm like so damn lazy.Okie.I shall blog more often from now on..well..exams are just around the corner and I've not really started revising and stuff.School's still ok..just that my hao jie muix and I have been kinda lectured recently.Seriously I'm so not in a BGR so please do not worry.And my hao jie mei even more impossible, a GGR is what she will get into.Gave beng and my hao jie muix(puayleng & jiayi) jellies today to show that I love them loads!Haas.So lame.End of speech!I shall blog later.
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i adore eu*

Friday, September 01, 2006
9:01 PM

It is no longer going to be the same, so stop having such high hopes.I'm just killing myself.
I just want to lie on the bed and weep till I sleep.

i adore eu*

Sunday, August 27, 2006
9:24 PM

Well..haven't been posting for quite some time and people are complaining...sighs...feeling tired and stuff.anyway OBS is such a good trip.To serve to strive and not to yield.well, I suppose those who went there agree too.Its a memorable one, and it really allow you to see people's true colours.REALLY. I saw it. There is some good ones and some bad ones..as for the bad ones...don't feel like elaborating further..people who know it, know it..those who don't..I seriously don't want to make you people hate them..Ok. AS for the good ones,I knew how much I cound trust my friends,syna,puay leng and sin yee.They took care of me, encouraged me and be proud of me, keep asking me to eat more in case I faint and stuff.Helping me in all sorts of ways and I never stopped loving them since then.Also, I saw victor khongs true colours!People, he is really not that bad ok..he is really good, minus some vulgars, plus some gentleman and he will be such a nice guy.Although he might have showed some attitude at first, but he was sorry and he really helped us alot!Carrying the load and stuff and not even complaining, lending a helping hand to others and he did not slack!compared to those who are selfish and stuff, he is far far better.Anyway, at OBS i tried loads of stuff...those high elements, tracking for 6 hrs, kayaking, all was fun and its a new experience for me.Thanks people for being proud of me!During the days at obs, everybody took care of each other and everybody played a part. If you aren't there, you won't believe it, how nice people could be, how important teamwork is, and how forgiving we are to each other, how honest with our feelings, how you could even cry when people is talking. You won't believe it. There is the emo period when people starts to get depressed, starts to get frustrated, starts to weep and get afraid, feeling disgusting and feeling brave, well you have to experience it yourself to know how disheartening it can get sometimes.How we cheer for each other like we never cheered before. How we cook when the water never starts boiling. How we tracked when the road seems never ending.How we endured when our legs are hurting. How we helped each other when we are nearly dying.How we think of others before we think of ourselves.I LOVE KURT!and thats what I want to say the most. Special thanks to connel and chew yien too!you guys are superb instructors!steve is very nice also!I adore my watch mates and buddy watch mates!Stephanie for reminding to EAT MORE! DON'T FAINT,syna for ' KIANG COME ON'+holding hands,iswariya for the ' CAREFUL!DON'T FALL! I'M SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!'+holding hands,pinli for "STEAD YOU OK?SICK AH?TAKE CARE!',kenneth for " DON'T KANA BLOW AWAY BY WIND HOR',victor for ' EAT MORE LA!',CHOON LIAN for being such a good leader, weichuan for crapping and crapping and puayleng for pei-ing me no matter what!WO AI SI NI MEN LE!Well, after obs i think i'm going to fall in love with one of the scouts, when we are about to die,scouts is all we have!I have so much more to say, but can't really think of it now, just remember "ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE!"

i adore eu*

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
6:56 PM

School's ok..finally passed my social studies test...8/12.chinese oral is tomorrow and its making me real nervous.Decided to go dentist today,seroyen is real nice to offer to accompany me..but still feel a bit weird.SIGHS.Actually sis was suppose to meet me and go dentist together. But wad tough luck,both our hp no batt, and I have to face the dentist MYSELF. First time I didn't cry in front of the dentist. Didn't cry when she jab me, thought I'm so lucky today, but NO.After the cleaning of the gums and teeth and everything is done, thats when it starts to hurt. My gum is like being poked by a hundred needles and when i ask for painkillers, the dentist say panadol will do. It was like what the hell. Ok whatever. Went to take med at the pharmacy and I totally broke down there. WEEPWEEPWEEP! Its like hurting terribly and I can't talk.sighs.On the way home in the taxi I was like crying all the way, no painkiller, no sis, just me myself and the pain.Argh.Went home rest and its much better now although i still can't TALK. My gum is still swollen and bleeding.HAIZ. Anyway,me med cost $0.70. How cool.

i adore eu*

Monday, July 24, 2006
9:05 PM

21/07/06 FRIDAY
Racial Harmony Day!!Well, lesson still as per normal. Quite sian seriously, but the TWO PERIOD RECESS is so fun fun fun!!Such a pity I can't experience it wth beng. Luckily, I still have another bestie, yi hui and gang!!Well..took alot of pics of food and stuff...
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Mua chee!!
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My stead feeding chin ting!!!T.T
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He smiles just like sin yee =D
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Me and yi hui!!Got the ice pop form leonard!!
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Zupi and sebas
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Spin spin spin the whistle disk
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This bubble is mine mine mine
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Mine and yi hui's
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Gambling den

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See that big big bubble
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Danny's trying to win that guy
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I think he did it
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From small
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to BIG
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ME and stead stead stead
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Back to class, the bubble became so small and wrinkled. =(

i adore eu*

my love for you.

gimme your hand
i'll pull you through
gimme some time
and i swear to you
every night
i'll be so close
every night
hey you don't know
you and me
were made to be in love
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